Our Clients

While a certain amount of FinLuca International clients are corporate entities, the majority are individuals.  They all have two things in common:

1. Ensuring that in the event of an unpredicatable or premature death their loved ones are protected and financially secure by having life assurance in place.

2.  People the world over have the same non-negotiable goals in life.  Clients differ from country to country but they all have one thing in common and that is the desire to save in a cost effective manner, ensuring that their children will have the ability to complete their education or making sure that when they retire they can maintain their quality of life, or simply preserving their wealth and making it grow, wherever you live.

FinLuca International’s expertise takes on great importance where a client does not have time or the inclination to be actively involved with the administering of their financial portfolios.  We can help you in the administration of all of your financial planning.

A great number of FinLuca International clients come from direct referrals from our satisfied clients who introduce the company to their colleagues and friends.


In most societies the life-cycle of an individual can be divided into 7 stages with different financial planning priorities changing through each stage:

  •     childhood
  •     young unmarried
  •     young married
  •     young married with children
  •     married with older children
  •     post-family/ pre-retirement
  •     retirement

1. Childhood - Financial needs are met by parents, relatives or guardians until they reach adulthood.

2. Young unmarried - Relatively low incomes and cannot afford to devote large amounts to financial planning.

3. Young married - Likely that both partners are working and contributing to family income and savings are often associated with purchasing/ maintaining property needs.

4. Young married with children - Family expenditure increasing with each child with future thoughts for education costs and other customs such as marriage, deposits for houses.

5. Married with older children - parents often approaching mid career where income level is increasing and despite costs associated with children’s education etc., often more money is available for Financial Planning with retirement costs a priority.

6. Post-family/ pre-retirement - Children usually financially independent and parents are probably at peak of earning power before income growth slows down in the years before retirement. Main focus is on retirement and possibility of illness to either partner.

7. Retirement - Focus is on securing any existing savings or capital against inflation and estate planning.

Suite 662, 2 Old Brompton Rd, South Kensington
United Kingdom
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