Welcome to Finluca International

Financial Planning

Financial Planning differs from person to person but it tends to fall into two broad categories:

    Providing for predictable events
    Providing for unpredicatbale events

A predictable event requires the accumulation of money with a specifc purpose in mind, e.g. property purchase, children’s education, retirement.

An unpredictable event is one that may occur at any time, e.g. illness, unemployment, death.  A basic principle of Financial Planning is that people should make provision for unpredictable events before committing money to investment needs for the predictable events.

The main areas that you and your family need to prioritise for Financial Planning encompass the following:

  • Life and health protection planning
  • Wealth creation
  • Savings and investment planning
  • Education savings plans
  • Retirement planning
  • Wealth protection
  • Inheritance planning


Some of the blue chip financial institutions our clients deal with and with who we help them in administering their policies are: -

  •     Atlas Financial Group
  •     Castlestone Management Limited
  •     Colonial Group International
  •     Fairbairn Trust Company
  •     Friends Provident International
  •     Frontier Capital
  •     Generali International Limited
  •     Glanmore Property
  •     Hansard International Limited
  •     MAN Investments
  •     PATF - Protected Asset TEP Fund
  •     Platinum Capital Management Limited
  •     The Premier Group
  •     RL 360°
  •     Royal Skandia Life Assurance Limited
  •     VAM
  •     William Russell
  •     Zurich International Life Limited

Suite 662, 2 Old Brompton Rd, South Kensington
United Kingdom
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