The Directors of FinLuca International bring many years experience within international investment administration both onshore and offshore worldwide. They saw a need within the marketplace to consolidate the administration of individuals’ financial planning and to offer an excellent on-going service.

FinLuca International has a number of Managers who have reached required levels of experience and expertise within the company.  Managers take on some responsibilty for new Consultants through a company mentoring scheme.

Our staff are selected for their integrity, knowledge and experience. Retaining our key people allows us to deliver excellent, courteous and efficient services providing you with first class administration.

The world changes at an ever-increasing pace, and your financial and investment needs change with it. Change brings new opportunities and challenges, but there are some things you do not want to change - for example, the highest quality of service from your financial administrator.

FinLuca International is characterised by specialisation, professionalism and integrity and we are able to offer an intimate, personalised service.

Family Trusts
Suite 662, 2 Old Brompton Rd, South Kensington
United Kingdom
Finluca Staff
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